Auburn Park was dedicated as open space in 1894. Following the Second World War the south-eastern corner of the three hectare site was resumed to make a bowling club. With the diminishing patronage of the club into the twenty-first century, Council converted that part of the site to what has become a vibrant community centre. The overall park upgrade which COMPLETE began in 2014 represents the next major phase in the evolution of this important community asset and aims, among other things, to re-engage with the formerly segregated area of the bowling club.
COMPLETE’s plan produced an entirely new path network, irrigated grass areas, extensive exercise and play facilities, barbecues, shelters and a new amenities building.
Over one hundred trees have been planted which will improve the micro-climate substantially over the coming decades. The new tree population is an eclectic collection of large deciduous and flowering exotic trees, as well as a range of indigenous species.