Coolum Library Expansion

Location: Coolum, QLD
Project type: Architecture
Budget: $2.4m (Construction)
Status: Completed
Organisation: Sunshine Coast Council

COMPLETE were engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to provide design and documentation services for an extension to the existing public library at Coolum on the Sunshine Coast. The original building was designed in the 1980’s and extended in the 1990’s. The design features a very distinctive curved roof that provides lots of natural light and internal amenity.

The extension almost doubled the size of the library and provides a separate community meeting room and deck overlooking the adjacent Morgan Park to the north. As part of our service, COMPLETE prepared fully detailed furniture, equipment and shelving layouts for the expanded facility which more than doubles the collection storage capacity and allow library staff to more towards a ‘genre’ based collection and associated reading areas.

The overall design of the existing building was maintained with the current extension and the original materials and detailing have been replicated. Internally, the exposed barrel vaulted ceilings, high level windows and exposed services have all been retained and carried over into the design of the new area. Additional staff facilities and an expanded service desk that more reflect the library’s current mode of operation have also been provided.