Complete Urban have been engaged by NSW State Emergency Service to prepare a high level concept plan for a new SES facility on their current site at Banora Point. The Banora Point site currently provides basic SES accommodation including garaging and administration spaces in an existing building. There are also a number of other local community groups that use existing buildings on the site. The plan is to relocate the non-SES groups to another location, and replace the existing accommodation with a new state of the art SES facility of approximately 1700m2 providing vehicle garaging, workshops, office accommodation and an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC).
The site is located at the top of a hills and is very steep with approximately 10m falls both southeast and southwest from a central high point. The proposed layout positions the building in line with the top of the ridge in order to provide at grade entry and carparking off Kiora St. The SES garage is located to the west of the site providing a secondary entry/exit to Pioneer Pde. Administration, the EOC and carparking is located to the west of the site providing views west. The building has been sited to retain as many of the existing established trees as possible.