Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program

Location: Cumberland LGA
Project type: Urban Design, Civil Engineering
Budget: $20M
Status: Ongoing
Organisation: Cumberland City Council

The Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Program is an ambitious, state-funded project to address the environmental quality of the road corridor and of certain adjacent spaces and facilities. COMPLETE has been commissioned to prepare designs for the section through the Cumberland local government area. The scope of the work includes altering road geometry, undergrounding power and providing new lighting, new footpaths, tree planting and furnishings, traffic control signal upgrades and the installation of lifts to a pedestrian overbridge – all to a budget of approximately $20 million.

We are also addressing, under the same program, the upgrading of an existing pedestrian bridge over the M4 freeway, and preparing plans for the extension of a nearby major park, to occur following the acquisition of a group of private properties.