The Queens Park Pavilion was an old dilapidated storage shed adjacent the very popular children’s playground on Darley Road. Aside from a mobile food van operating during winter sports events, Queens Park has not had a food and beverage service. Following investment from Centennial Parklands, NSW Treasury and the appointed service provider, the Pavilion was nominated for a transformational refurbishment from storage building to a modern, attractive café with indoor and outdoor dining.
COMPLETE was engaged to manage the project from business case, through design and approvals to procurement and delivery. Despite early negative attention from the local residents, the project has received overwhelming support since it’s opening. Offering food and beverage provision to not only Park users but it has also developed into a destination for evening and weekend dining.
Acting as the client’s representative COMPLETE managed the engagement of consultants and the production of necessary design documentation for relevant approvals and for construction tender. While only a small 132sqm building the construction team encountered a number of hidden issues, such as hazardous materials and protracted service provider negotiations. The café was delivered on time, under budget and to a very high quality standard that has attracted praise from countless customers.