COMPLETE Urban have been engaged by Logan City Council to undertake concept design for Rosia Park. Rosia Park is a 62 hectare site with an area of 19 hectares identified as ‘developable’ It is proposed to develop the site into the Park Ridge Sports Park providing facilities for wheeled sports, AFL and recreation activities.
For wheeled sports, it is planned to provide a 200m banked inline skating track, a 1.75km criterium, 280m long pump track, skate park and up to 5km of bushland cycling trails for cyclocross and mountain biking. It will be supported by a wheeled sports clubhouse and carparking.
The AFL facility will comprise 2 Regional level AFL fields clubhouse, amenities, changerooms and carparking. In addition, a nature play area is also planned. The site has a high ecological value with and an identified koala habitat and biodiversity corridor. Three concept options have been prepared for the site for consideration by Council.