Route 2 Cycleway and Streetscape Improvement

Location: Canneray, North Sydney
Project type: Engineering
Budget: $3,000,000
Status: Completed
Organisation: North Sydney Council

North Sydney Council continues working on a number of major cycling projects that will help to make cycling a safe, enjoyable and convenient ‘everyday’ transport option for the residents, workers and visitors to North Sydney. These projects focus on the installation of fully separated cycleways on 4 routes to ensure safe and direct cycling routes that can be used by people of all ages and cycling abilities.

COMPLETE has been working closely with North Sydney Council to develop design solutions and to prepare construction documentation for the proposed routes.  The routes include a number of locations in the Cremorne area, providing important links between the existing Warringah Freeway overpass and destinations to the east and north of the Freeway. Some sections are under construction and should be completed in 2017/2018, whilst others will progress as Council funding permits.