Sydney Light Rail Representation

Location: Moore Park and Alison Road frontage to Centennial Parkland – Moore Park Road to Darley Road
Project type: Project Management
Budget: $1.6 BN
Status: Ongoing
Organisation: Centennial Park and Moore Park Trust

The NSW Government has committed to tackling long-term traffic challenges and improving the public transport network in Sydney through the implementation of light rail. The project, known as the CBD and South East Light Rail Project will see a light rail line built from Circular Quay to Kingsford and Randwick. As the route will pass through Centennial Parklands, there will be a number of important impacts on the Parklands (including some temporary works during construction phase).

Mark Bunch, our Project Manager at Complete has been engaged throughout the project as a Liaison officer between Centennial Parkland and the Sydney Light Rail project . Tasks involve design , representation, technical advice, documentation, asset acceptance and quality standards.